hotelcampus: freshman semester successfully completed

5 min read
Mar 14, 2023 12:52:00 PM

Did we just spark a fire? 

It’s oftentimes colported that there’s magic in every beginning.  Looking back on the kick-off of hotelcampus on ITB 2023, we can confirm, that this is true. 

Do you still remember your first day at campus?

Can you still remember the smell of the classrooms? How excited you were, entering the huge lecture halls for the first time? How a new chapter in your life just opened up in front of you? 

Does this sound a bit pathetic? Maybe, but not too much, though. It actually comes pretty close to how we also felt facing our first hotelcampus at the ITB! 



Shared efforts, shared success – our study group on hotelcampus 

Back then, we already found out about how learning is not as much for the lone fighters as it is for teams: It’s always been the discussions that sparked new inspiration, that aroused new curiousity for topic matters, challenges, and relations. 

That said, we’re more than happy we had our peers around on hotelcampus: Our partners and speakers whom we owe a huge thank you for daring to take this first step with us, to trust in us and to cater to hotelcampus, making this an unforgettable success. 

Enjoy a few impressions in the movie:



Never mind the Boring Lectures. Here’s the school trips and interaction 

The one key learning from our Hochschule-Days that we’ve saved for later, was successfully applied: Lectures alone can be pretty bland. 

Hence, we shook it up a little, and added an interactive part: Lounges and seats where all the hotel and revenue management nerderie would flock together, engage in discussions and debates about what the next big thing in our industry will/ will rather not be. 

The thematic spread was immense: 

From visibility as key to bookings to distribution challenges, from the feedback economy to global revenue management behaviours. 

As were the speakers: We were honored to have our little stage trampled by industry veterans and thought leaders like duetto’s Franziska Schemman, Taktikon’s Annemarie Gubanski, or Demand Calendar’s Anders Johansson, as well as innovators from the startup sphere like Bart-Jan Leyt from Loreca, or Sortirios Stienemeyer from hotel marketing startup Online Birds. 

Presentations covered the topics of positioning, personalization, RevMarketing automation, argued about distribution challenges, system integration, and automation in hospitality operations. 

The complete list of presentations would be way too long to mention here, but hey, we’ve got it right here for you.  In short: It was quite a blast! Have a glimpse into some of the topics here ...

upsellguru - nicola
loreca - bart-jan-1
geomand - jamie
happyhotel - yves
demand calendar - anders-1
loreca - bart-jan (2)
infinito - fabian
rateboard - martin
hotelcube - roberto
userguest - hicham
taktikon - annemarie
gauvendi - markus
hq revenue - ivan abakumov
hq revenue - stephan kohl

... or revisit the hotelcampus@ITB23 page for the complete overview.


Towards graduation

The first semester, however, is over. And while we’re still busy digesting the information overload, we’re simultaneously hungry for more. 

Are you, too? They say, it’s life-long-learning anyway, right? So, let’s see where our curriculum leads us in the upcoming semesters. We've got a lot in the making, including, but not limited to eLearning, a meetup series, and a dedicated newsletter. Please follow us on LinkedIn to stay in the know!


Life long learning @ hotelcampus 

With hotelcampus, the HQ revenue team builds the new platform for networking and education in the digital revenue management sector: 



Take part in live presentations, take advantage of on-demand content, or create your own. Gain or share knowledge and insights with colleagues, partners and experts all around the world.


Fostering exchange and valuable connections among leading hospitality players, we strengthen the hospitality industry from within.


Build strong, lasting partnerships to thrive and accelerate together. We become stronger together by not only understanding the market but by shaping its future.


Seasoned Professionals with specialized knowledge and skills come together to share insights, network, and learn from each other, often featuring presentations, workshops, and panel discussions.


You want to dive deeper? 

Have a look around campus, and matriculate! We’ll be extremely happy to show you around. 

We can't wait to see what the future holds for us, to come together with professionals with specialised knowledge and skills to share insights, network and learn from each other, with presentations, workshops and panel discussions. 

We also want to keep sharing our knowledge and help you increase your revenue management. Take a look at the hotel campus eLearning platform! Featuring deep dive courses on hotel tech software and revenue management, hotel campus is here to help you manage your hotel more effectively and maximize profitability! 


Check out the eLearning platform here


So … did we spark a fire? 

You can’t start a fire without a spark. With your help, we hope we’ve started a conflagration. At least. Which makes us partners in crime, literally. 

Thus, what’s left to say for now, is: Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to stop by, chat with us and our partners, listen to the presentations, and of course: Sharing a good time with us at the hotelcampus party! With that said, we're looking forward and work towards next year's ITB. Mark 5th – 7th March 2024 in your agenda already, we hope to welcome you back there as well. 



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