Getting in Position: Social Media Strategies For Hoteliers

3 min read
Nov 5, 2022 11:54:00 AM

The TORTUE HAMBURG is the world en miniature. Retreat, home, hideaway, café, séparée, living room, theater, catwalk and grand opera at the same time. It is a unique place of hospitality, diversity and home to the "savoir-vivre" in the heart of Hamburg's city center.

Svenja Kassner handles all the channels and deals with everything related to TORTUE's social media presence. Here she shares her most important social media tips for hotels.

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1. Express your own voice!

Who are you and how do you want to appear to the public? Your brand identity and brand personality should also be reflected in your communication. Your credibility depends on the values you stand for and openly represent. Position yourself. Even if you are on several different platforms that require different tonalities. This is the only way to remain authentic.


2. Get to know your target audience!

Who is already following you on your social media platforms and who would you like to attract? Your followers are not always potential hotel guests - but they can become potential guests at any time. Keep this in mind when communicating. It is always helpful to take a look at Insights, which shows you the exact demographics of your social media target group.



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3. Set objectives!

What do you want to achieve with your social media presence? Do you simply want to draw attention to your brand and achieve a certain reach, or do you use social media specifically to acquire bookings? Set a concrete goal that you want to pursue in order to clearly define your communication.

GRANT2_tortue-hamburg-svenja-kassnerSvenja Kassner, Social Media & Online Managerin at TORTUE HAMBURG


4. Stay in the dialog!

How does your community react to your content? What messages and comments do you get? Stay in touch with your followers and respond to their comments and questions. Ask questions about your followers' wishes and interests and adapt your content accordingly. But also respond promptly and appropriately to complaints.


5. Remain consistent!

Once your audience becomes a fan or follower of your brand, they want to see regular content and consistent messaging. Don't just post sporadic pieces and promotions. Always make your followers feel like they are a part of your world and offer them continuous incentives. To do this, set an editorial schedule that allows you to plan your posts in advance to ensure consistent communication.


6. Don't forget the evaluation!

Are your goals being met? Regularly analyze your insights, post reach, click numbers, and follower growth. Which topics are well received, which not at all? React to the developments and adapt your communication to the observed trends in order to continue to provide your community with relevant topics.




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This article is taken from GRANT#2 – Get in Position!

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