More than 40% direct bookings - Francesc González, The Net Revenue

3 min read
Nov 2, 2022 6:53:00 PM

 What does positioning mean for hotels?

There are about 190,000 hotels worldwide. In my view, they are divided into two major groups: One group simply wants to sell beds. The other group tries to stand out from the vast sea of hotel offerings. Many independent hotels, but also small chains, stand out through a particularly customer-oriented strategy: They distinguish themselves through a remarkable customer experience, starting with the design, through the equipment and service, and ending with the staff.


What are the goals of good positioning?

Being remarkable increases the chances of being noticed. And that is the central aspect of positioning. You need to find out who your target audience actually is. If you know that, then you can align your entire strategy, your communication, your sales channels to specifically attract attention.


What is the value of this attention? Can you express that in numbers?

We recognize that hotels are increasing their share of direct bookings to 45-50%. This is a goal of good positioning in the market: as many direct bookings as possible. To achieve this goal, hotels need to oversee large amounts of data. They need to know all the factors that influence their respective markets in order to compete: Where are my guests coming from and what do they expect? When do they come and what are they willing to pay? Because in the hotel business, that's the other side of the coin. Positioning is dependent on solid revenue management.


GRANT2_foto1_kl_dbThis is an article from GRANT #2: Get in Position!
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Which role has revenue management in positioning?

Revenue managers are the link that connects all the pieces. Revenue managers understand the hotel and market data and specifically ask each department what they need to maximize the hotel's profit. Unfortunately, in my work, I still see many properties where one hand doesn't know what the other is doing: sales, marketing, operations ... all do their job well, but they work for themselves. But only those hotels that bring all the variables into the big equation will be the winners.


What does this big equation" look like? What can you do for your customers with "The Net Revenue"?

We follow a customer-centric strategy: Know your brand and know your market! This is how you bring your customers into the hotel and ensure customer satisfaction. That's how you build your reputation and sell more and better. That's what we do at The Net Revenue. We take a close look at every hotel. I can tell you that it's a huge success for our clients. I'm not just talking about trends specifically for 3-star hotels, for 5-star hotels or luxury rentals, or just for city hotels in Madrid, Barcelona or Palma de Mallorca. This strategy works for all, for vacation homes, city hotels, seasonal hotels, ski or beach hotels, in Europe or in the United States of America.




What changes are we facing? What new distribution channels will the future bring? Which technologies will play a role in the selection of travel and hotel offers in the future? What tools will we hoteliers have at our disposal to hold our own in the market?

We've created GRANT Magazine to find answers to these questions. After all, to grant means to provide insights and fulfill wishes ...

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Hotels are very different. How do you find the right tools to meet the specific needs of your customers?

We are industry experts. We research carefully and constantly learn what's out there in the market and who provides the best data. We are also hired by our clients to provide them with reliable numbers based on the latest technologies. There are hundreds of tools out there, and not all of them are suitable for every hotel. However, there is one tool that we use for all projects. The data that HQ revenue provides us with helps us to more quickly identify any trends in the markets we are entering.

francesc-gonzales-the-net-revenue-klFrancesc González has a special passion for the hotel industry. With The Net Revenue, he increases direct sales by up to 60%.


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This article is taken from GRANT#2 – Get in Position!

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